
Saturday Selects (numero uno)

Hi guys! Sorry I wasn’t able to post anything the last two days, on thursday I got home too late to blog and last night I slept over at a friends house.

I was thinking it would kind of be a fun idea to do a round-up of some of my favorite things from this week (also, I can re-cap the days I missed hehehe). Who knows, maybe this could be a sort of weekly series?

My favorite day this week was actually Tuesday. My best friend came over just to watch a movie and somehow that quickly turned into a WATER BALOON FIGHT

Image(Cody, if you’re reading this…. I won)

It was so much fun and just … liberating? I don’t even know how to describe it. Running around with my little brother and his friend and dumping water on each other was just so fun. It’s great to be able to feel like a little kid again, everything feels simple and easy and you feel so free. After we were soaked beyond what I thought possible, we changed into pajamas and watched “Identity Thief.” Such a funny movie! I also really just love Melissa McCarthy.



My favorite workout of the week was probably last Sunday, I went for a run with some girls from cross country and that’s just always nice. It also didn’t hurt that we went for frozen yogurt after… hehehe.

ImageI’ve also really been loving the XHIT youtube channel lately! They have some really great, quick toning workouts and HIIT routines that never disappoint! They also upload new videos every day so you never need to worry about getting bored. Some of my favorite routines are “Abs like Olivia Wilde,” and “Miley Cyrus Legs.” I like doing these routines in the mornings as my #Bootycall (the Tone It Up kind kids =P) or before bed.

Another favorite of this week was going to the Bronx Zoo for the very first time! On Thursday, I drove in (first time driving in the Bronx.. woah) with a couple of friends and even though we only got to stay for a couple of hours (closed at 5, we got there at 3) it was still a lot of fun. I have to say though, the greatest zoo of all time is the Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida. 

Favorite animal I saw was this little guy ImageThe fluffiest of ducks.

ImageEverybody loves giraffes. 

After getting no sleep last night and not feeling well all week my workout today was definitely not my most intense. I did a simple 50 minutes of intervals (cross country setting with a level 10 elevation and resistances ranging from 5 to 11) on the elliptical was a 5 minute cool down.  I covered 5.67 miles.Image

Since I was at my friends house for most of the day I didn’t get to do my morning 30 minutes of toning workouts… kind of regretting it now, but I’ll double up tomorrow!

Speaking of tomorrow, I need to get up early to go running with my friend (yay!) so I should probably be getting ready for bed about now.

I’ll leave you with this sassy little guy


ImageBut for real, you can’t tell me that his facial expression isn’t making you laugh. 




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