
At Last


I’m finally home!


George Washington Bridge picture taken through an obviously filthy windshield.

There are really no words that can properly express how being home feels. I am just so thankful to have this place as my home and am so relieved to finally be out of that school that did nothing but suck the life out of me.

I feel so motivated and optimistic. I hope this lasts!

Of course, I had to start today with a run in the absolutely perfect weather that only a New York spring can offer.

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

I covered 5 miles in my town and couldn’t be happier. It was so nice to be running my old and familiar trail. Bayshore by my college may have been nice, but nothing compares to running the trails that I have past 3 years.

After my run, I whipped out the good ‘ol Vitamix to make my first ever acai bowl! God, I have missed smoothies!



In the mix: Sambazon unsweetened acai smoothie pack, 1/2 frozen banana, 1 Tbs Cocoa powder, and stevia. Topped it off with some sunflower seeds, vegan chocolate chips, and a couple of goji berries. So creamy and yummy! Definitely going to become a frequent flier in my daily meals!

I spent most of my day running errands and unpacking (groan). I actually think that unpacking all of my stuff will take the rest of my life. Trying to put away things leads to me pulling everything out and trying to organize it, not liking how it is organized, pulling everything out again, and repeating this process about five times. I spent hours unpacking and barely made a dent… I decided to take a break and do more tomorrow!

Then it was time for lunch, and it was another creamy smoothie bowl. I am just loving having access to the Vitamix again!


Chocolate frozen banana “nice”cream! Carbs are my favorite.

Later, I cooked dinner (this post is very food centered isn’t it? … It is also quite dull. My apologies).

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Heaven in the form of veggies.



We ended the day next door at my great-aunt’s house to celebrate her birthday. Being surrounded by my family and being close to them again is indescribable. I am SO thankful for the family that I have… I never want to move out of New York again!




I love life right now.


What did you have for breakfast?

Do you live close to your family members or do you live far away? 


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